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living your dream


Grabbing life by the balls!

Grabbing life by the balls! What does that mean? It basically means that you’re going to take a risk, make yourself uncomfortable, inconvenience your life--in order to actually live the life that you dream of living.



Optimizing the balance of Yin and Yang is necessary for the optimal flow of Qi. Qi is known as the living energy within our bodies--without it, there is no life. Thus, when we live in fear, anxiety or anger and resentment--we deny our own needs and desires. We end up living our lives for someone or something else--and because of that, we ignore ourselves thus backing up our own negative emotions which block the free flow of Qi. This can cause an array of health problems associated with pain such as headaches, lower back pain, abdominal distention/pain, constipation, and distending pain moving to different areas of the body. Women especially may have irregular menstrual cycles, dysmenorrhea (painful menstruation) and overtime may have issues with infertility.



So what’s the point of sharing this? To get you to think about where misplaced anger may be--or any fears that are holding you back from living your dream. We may be causing our own pain associated with our own emotions--so it’s time that we look within and reflect on what would really make us happy. Besides--this is our life to live and no one else’s RIGHT? So why not start visualizing your dream now and outline what steps you have to take to get there...TODAY?



*~You may end up calming your mind and healing your body in the process. It can be your first step in harmonizing your glow from the inside out.~*

I would love to hear your any stories or responses to this post!

