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Grabbing life by the balls!

Grabbing life by the balls! What does that mean? It basically means that you’re going to take a risk, make yourself uncomfortable, inconvenience your life--in order to actually live the life that you dream of living.



Optimizing the balance of Yin and Yang is necessary for the optimal flow of Qi. Qi is known as the living energy within our bodies--without it, there is no life. Thus, when we live in fear, anxiety or anger and resentment--we deny our own needs and desires. We end up living our lives for someone or something else--and because of that, we ignore ourselves thus backing up our own negative emotions which block the free flow of Qi. This can cause an array of health problems associated with pain such as headaches, lower back pain, abdominal distention/pain, constipation, and distending pain moving to different areas of the body. Women especially may have irregular menstrual cycles, dysmenorrhea (painful menstruation) and overtime may have issues with infertility.



So what’s the point of sharing this? To get you to think about where misplaced anger may be--or any fears that are holding you back from living your dream. We may be causing our own pain associated with our own emotions--so it’s time that we look within and reflect on what would really make us happy. Besides--this is our life to live and no one else’s RIGHT? So why not start visualizing your dream now and outline what steps you have to take to get there...TODAY?



*~You may end up calming your mind and healing your body in the process. It can be your first step in harmonizing your glow from the inside out.~*

I would love to hear your any stories or responses to this post!




What do YOU want to wake up to?

Good morning sunshine. It’s a beautiful day. It’s happening, embrace it and live it with grace. Everything is a learning opportunity. I want to make to my parents proud.  


This Wednesday night was a soul hugger. As I think about myself crying in bed upset that 3 of the 4 people invited out flaked on me last minute...2 of my confidantes called me to remind me that I shouldn’t dwell on those who have disappointed me. Rather I should think about those who love and support me--therefore uplifting me from any ditch I dug for myself--especially when one asked me---wait, Jeannie, you’re not going to spend all day in bed crying are you? mmm….maybe for another like ...3 hours but, now that you’re asking me I --should probably get the F UP!


I think about how hard my parents have worked so that my brother and I could have the ease of the opportunity to do what I want to do....something I know I often take for granted--esPECIALLY on these sad wallowing in self-pity days. I think---what would my parents think if they saw me like this? What DOES get me out of bed? Knowing that today is for me to live my dream? True. Leading me into the question of the week: What mantra would you want to wake up to this season?


Mine was, out of gratefulness for having incredibly supportive parents---I want to make my parents proud. My dad always told me to always try my best. As long as I tried my best, I could not disappoint him. Thus, I decided that now I will think about making my parents proud every morning that I wake up.


My Psych PhD candidate friend Serena shared that she’s changed her wifi network name to something that makes her smile with the intention of having the same effect on anyone else who sees her network--”It’s a beautiful day.” I love that. The simplicity of gratefulness.


My nutritionist soul sista Kathleen Roxanne Delgado stated that she’s been in the routine of texting her friends “Good morning sunshine!” Making her friends smile and herself smile all the while was a fantastic way to start her day. It is true that when we as humans find joy in making others happy--what a grand way to start your day.


My newest addition to NYC, Mylan Ton has been in the process of moving to the city! So much happening, so quickly that she’s been in part denial from slight fear of change (obviously)! But finally, she’s been telling herself, “It’s happening. Embrace it, and live it with grace.” A solid way to not to only conquer your fears but an open-minded way to be in the present with the most eloquent mindset.


My multitalented dj/party planner/clothing designer friend Poon has been facing lots of change as well as he develops his brand “You Love Poon” in the city. With the dog-eat-dog competition in NYC and the countless battles to stay grounded here, he’s realized that he can’t take everything negatively--as if every day you stepped on dog sh*t, or every day you missed the train, or that some crook scammed you and low key robbed you while pretending to be your friend (the city is nasty like that!). I mean, after living here for 5 years, it’s quite easy to slip into the FML mentality. But now he’s realizing that a better way of looking at these issues, occurrences, happenstances, is to wake up reminding himself that “everything is a learning opportunity”--and that is true wisdom.  


I am beyond grateful for the vulnerability and stories shared at this last cooking social, so thanks to everyone who came, cooked, laughed, and loved.


Our menu for the night was

Jerk Bok Choy Chinese Shroom Delecte

Boricuan Poutine

Fuschia Beets Rice Zotto

King Queso and Cashew Parmesan

Surprise Dessert (You’ll have to attend to find out!)

All the food was incredible AND GETS BETTER EVERY WEEK! The winner was definitely the Boricuan Poutine which was essentially a Puerto Rican version of “chili cheese fries” but way more MOUTH EXPLOSIONY and loving to your body--yukon gold potatoes, black beans, tomato sauce, and mushrooms, smothered in King Queso, holy!

I’m putting up the recipes soon to be shared with those who have attended a YYG Cooking Social and thus are now an official member of the community!

Love your body, love it good. Love that morning mindful wake up too;)


Much love and peace until the next time. <3 JeannieQueen
